Lately I've found myself with an over barring feeling that over the last month or so I've messed up massively and I worked out that its true I did mess up a lot recently:
1. My job.. this is my biggest worry as I've gone from having the best job I'll probably ever have and earning around £250 a week working only 3 days to working in a clothes shop (I'll mention no names) 8 hours a week earning minimum wage, which quite frankly is no where near enough as I have car insurance and other bills to pay.
2. Relationship.. Now haven't had a boyfriend since the beginning of the year but I have had a 'male friend' (erm) which was going well and we were on the way to being a couple but I'm far to laid back to take anything seriously and he had no idea what I was thinking at all.
3. College.. Everyone who knows me knows I hate college and everything about it and as my parents won't let me leave I had the great idea of being late everyday to try and get myself kicked out to work full time but unfortunately things haven't worked out the way I wanted and I'm still there wasting my time there getting more and more miserable with life.
But, it's almost the end of the year so hopefully next year will be bigger and better and I finally work out what I want to do with my life!!
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Those down days..
The last couple of weeks have not been the best!
I've realized that I have spent the last 3 years at college doing something I now absolutely hate and my hours at work have been cut right down to 0! and with my parents still forcing me to go to college I'm stuck. as I would love to work full time and that is what most barbers want is someone to work full time. So I'm finding it hard to find a new job and with my savings quickly running out on petrol to get to college I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
It seems like moving in with my nan and becoming her career is the only option although I would be paid to do it I'd be moving away from everyone I know which is pretty scary.
So life has been pretty shit to be honest but I'm sure something good will happen in the near future after all thats the law of the universe.. isn't it?
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
I've realized that I have spent the last 3 years at college doing something I now absolutely hate and my hours at work have been cut right down to 0! and with my parents still forcing me to go to college I'm stuck. as I would love to work full time and that is what most barbers want is someone to work full time. So I'm finding it hard to find a new job and with my savings quickly running out on petrol to get to college I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
It seems like moving in with my nan and becoming her career is the only option although I would be paid to do it I'd be moving away from everyone I know which is pretty scary.
So life has been pretty shit to be honest but I'm sure something good will happen in the near future after all thats the law of the universe.. isn't it?
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Salicylic Acid Face Peel
From the age of 11 to now (age 18) I have suffered with acne, its not so bad now as I've got older and started to care for my skin more but I do still get the odd spot but I have been left with the permanent reminder of this teenage nightmere in the form of huge redy brown scars that have been left behind.
I've tried many things to get rid of the scar inculding lemon juice on the sun, scrubbing my face with sugar and honey and even bleaching my skin with hair bleach (PLEASE do not try as it does not work and it burns like hell!!).. So, after reading about Dermatoligists preforming Salicylic Acid peels on paitents with scarring I researched into the cost of getting it done perfossionally but being part time employed doesn't allow for me to spend around £100 each time it needs doing so I went on to ebay and brought 30 ml of 20% Salicylic Acid for around £5 an obvious saving of a lot of money although I would perfer and recommened to have it professionally done thats just not an option for me. I only did a partial peel on my right cheek as that is the worse part of my face and I wanted to test it on a patch that I would be able to notice and differences better.
September 26th 2014-
The first treatment, after doing a skin test and having no reaction I washed my face with simple face was and towel dried I applied a tiny tiny amount to the scars using a cotton bud, after about 2 seconds it was burning my face felt like it was on fire but i perserevered and left it on for a minute. In that minute my skin frosted and when I washed the acid off the frosting remained so I scrubbed my face with a flannel with I do not recommend as that has probably caused some damage. My skin was left red and sore. I'm using E45 cream to moisturise my face through out the whole process.
The next day my skin looked bruised and red.
September 28th 2014-
My skin has started to peel! It looks like really bad sun burn which is too bad really and sort of looks like a bruise from far away. It is so tempting to pick and peel my face because I'am so excited to see the result but I suppose being patient is a lot better than rushing it and leaving myself a bigger scar.
September 29th 2014-
First day going public with my face peeling, obviously everyone asked about it and all sounded horrified when I told them I had done it myself at home..
Most of my skin has peeled off now there is just a few patches left to go but the skin thats left behind looks so much better and the scars are less purple and are just a pale pinky colour.
October 1st 2014-
There is one tiny patch that still needs to peel off but the skin that has already peeled looks so much better!
By the end of the day my skin has totally peeled and I'am left with skin that looks so much better still slightly red but I'm sure that will go down over the next couple of days.
I'm so happy with the result especially as this is the first time I have done it.
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
I've tried many things to get rid of the scar inculding lemon juice on the sun, scrubbing my face with sugar and honey and even bleaching my skin with hair bleach (PLEASE do not try as it does not work and it burns like hell!!).. So, after reading about Dermatoligists preforming Salicylic Acid peels on paitents with scarring I researched into the cost of getting it done perfossionally but being part time employed doesn't allow for me to spend around £100 each time it needs doing so I went on to ebay and brought 30 ml of 20% Salicylic Acid for around £5 an obvious saving of a lot of money although I would perfer and recommened to have it professionally done thats just not an option for me. I only did a partial peel on my right cheek as that is the worse part of my face and I wanted to test it on a patch that I would be able to notice and differences better.
September 26th 2014-
The first treatment, after doing a skin test and having no reaction I washed my face with simple face was and towel dried I applied a tiny tiny amount to the scars using a cotton bud, after about 2 seconds it was burning my face felt like it was on fire but i perserevered and left it on for a minute. In that minute my skin frosted and when I washed the acid off the frosting remained so I scrubbed my face with a flannel with I do not recommend as that has probably caused some damage. My skin was left red and sore. I'm using E45 cream to moisturise my face through out the whole process.
The next day my skin looked bruised and red.
September 28th 2014-
My skin has started to peel! It looks like really bad sun burn which is too bad really and sort of looks like a bruise from far away. It is so tempting to pick and peel my face because I'am so excited to see the result but I suppose being patient is a lot better than rushing it and leaving myself a bigger scar.
September 29th 2014-
First day going public with my face peeling, obviously everyone asked about it and all sounded horrified when I told them I had done it myself at home..
Most of my skin has peeled off now there is just a few patches left to go but the skin thats left behind looks so much better and the scars are less purple and are just a pale pinky colour.
October 1st 2014-
There is one tiny patch that still needs to peel off but the skin that has already peeled looks so much better!
By the end of the day my skin has totally peeled and I'am left with skin that looks so much better still slightly red but I'm sure that will go down over the next couple of days.
I'm so happy with the result especially as this is the first time I have done it.
(Sorry about the lighting and terribly unflattering angles in some of the pictures)
1st - Before the peel
2nd - Just after the peel was applied
3rd - After a minute, was off time
4th - After being washed off
5th - Day 2 red red red
6th - Day 2
7th - Day 3 Started to scab
8th - Day 3 Starts to peel
9th - Day 4 peeling
10th - Day 5 final peeling
11th - Day 6 all done!!
Good luck if you are planning to do this at home and make sure you have research properly and throughly!!
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Sunday, 13 July 2014
It will be okay!
"It will be okay" is something that has been said to me a lot especially over the last few months and every time I didn't believe it, The last couple of months had been the worst and toughest and if I'm honest I didn't think that I would make it through and there was a point where I gave up but I can now say I'am thankful that I failed!
Over the last couple of months I have achieved more than I ever thought I would... I FINALLY got a job doing something that I actually want to do and I've already learned so much there, I completed my course at college which means I'am now a fully trained hairdresser :) I've met some amazing people that have changed my life for the better, I opened up to people at college about my depression and anxiety and they pushed me to get the help I so desperately needed ( I can't thank you lot enough for what you've done for me) and I've started to accept my flaws and realised there's nothing I can do about them.
I've realised that it will be okay and everything does work out at some point, yeah it will get messed up again but in the end everything works out and you need to keep on trying. After all we all make mistakes!
If your going through a rough spot and don't think you can make it through PLEASE don't give up! I know its hard to believe when people say 'It will be okay' but it will and you'll realise you can do and achieve anything and everything you want, it might but hard work but in the end its defiantly worth it.
Please don't give up! It will be okay!
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Over the last couple of months I have achieved more than I ever thought I would... I FINALLY got a job doing something that I actually want to do and I've already learned so much there, I completed my course at college which means I'am now a fully trained hairdresser :) I've met some amazing people that have changed my life for the better, I opened up to people at college about my depression and anxiety and they pushed me to get the help I so desperately needed ( I can't thank you lot enough for what you've done for me) and I've started to accept my flaws and realised there's nothing I can do about them.
I've realised that it will be okay and everything does work out at some point, yeah it will get messed up again but in the end everything works out and you need to keep on trying. After all we all make mistakes!
If your going through a rough spot and don't think you can make it through PLEASE don't give up! I know its hard to believe when people say 'It will be okay' but it will and you'll realise you can do and achieve anything and everything you want, it might but hard work but in the end its defiantly worth it.
Please don't give up! It will be okay!
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Sunday, 8 June 2014
A sunny ootd
The weather in England is totally unreliable for example the middle of winter can be really sunny and the middle of summer have rain floods.
So any day that has a little bit of sun and warmth you have to make the most of as I did this week.
I love wearing denim shorts especially in the 'summer' as they definitely give a carefree laid back look to any outfit, the vest is such a beautiful rust/orange colour which would suit any skin tone especially anyone who has a darker skin tone.
Shorts including belt- River Island (£30)
Baggy vest- H&M (£3.99)
Hair extensions- Lush hair extensions (Price depending on length and thickness)
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
So any day that has a little bit of sun and warmth you have to make the most of as I did this week.
I love wearing denim shorts especially in the 'summer' as they definitely give a carefree laid back look to any outfit, the vest is such a beautiful rust/orange colour which would suit any skin tone especially anyone who has a darker skin tone.
Shorts including belt- River Island (£30)
Baggy vest- H&M (£3.99)
Hair extensions- Lush hair extensions (Price depending on length and thickness)
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Depression and Anxiety.
Depression and Anxiety just don't make sense for example going out with your friends should be an enjoyable happy experience and not make you stress out so much you cry or have a panic attack and decide not to go out and instead stay home alone.
Its a viscous circle as you are told that talking to people or seeing your friends will cheer you up and make you feel better about everything but in reality it just makes everything worse as you start to stress about what to say or how to act so no one notices that there's anything wrong.
Most people won't realise that someone has depression or anxiety they wont even realise that a seemingly 'normal' everyday task like paying for something in a shop, asking for help/directions or speaking on the phone will make someone panic or want to cry or worse..
For example to the outside world I probably seem like a 'normal' confident bubbly girl but inside I'am totally different, I'm someone who panics and stresses about all the little thing that don't really matter, I HATE talking to anyone on the phone, I have weird and strange fears, I've written countless suicide notes and attempted suicide 4 times in the last 2 years.
What I'm trying to say is be nice and respectful to EVERYONE as you don't know what's going on in their head and behind closed doors and if your worried about anyone make sure you tell them that your their for them no matter what!
I'm always here if you need someone to talk t about anything, I know what it feels like. Just ask for my email and I'll give it to you or leave your email down in the comments and I'll email you as soon as I see it.
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
P.S If I could be very sneaky and as if you could click on an ad on my blog as my car insurance is due very soon and it is far from cheap.. thank you if you do :)
Its a viscous circle as you are told that talking to people or seeing your friends will cheer you up and make you feel better about everything but in reality it just makes everything worse as you start to stress about what to say or how to act so no one notices that there's anything wrong.
Most people won't realise that someone has depression or anxiety they wont even realise that a seemingly 'normal' everyday task like paying for something in a shop, asking for help/directions or speaking on the phone will make someone panic or want to cry or worse..
For example to the outside world I probably seem like a 'normal' confident bubbly girl but inside I'am totally different, I'm someone who panics and stresses about all the little thing that don't really matter, I HATE talking to anyone on the phone, I have weird and strange fears, I've written countless suicide notes and attempted suicide 4 times in the last 2 years.
What I'm trying to say is be nice and respectful to EVERYONE as you don't know what's going on in their head and behind closed doors and if your worried about anyone make sure you tell them that your their for them no matter what!
I'm always here if you need someone to talk t about anything, I know what it feels like. Just ask for my email and I'll give it to you or leave your email down in the comments and I'll email you as soon as I see it.
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
P.S If I could be very sneaky and as if you could click on an ad on my blog as my car insurance is due very soon and it is far from cheap.. thank you if you do :)
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
18th birthday ootd
I went to Nandos with my friends a couple of days after my birthday and I wore this dress I had got for my birthday.
I love the small monochrome flower print that is covering the dress. The dress comes to around middle thigh area so it is perfect for a day out in the sun without having to worry about showing anyone anything that shouldn't be shown.. if you know what I mean.
Dress- H&M (£7.99)
Belt- Primark (around £3)
Converse- Office (£45.99)
Ankle bracelets- H&M (£4.99 I think)
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
I love the small monochrome flower print that is covering the dress. The dress comes to around middle thigh area so it is perfect for a day out in the sun without having to worry about showing anyone anything that shouldn't be shown.. if you know what I mean.
I don't know why I took this picture at such a weird angle... |
Dress- H&M (£7.99)
Belt- Primark (around £3)
Converse- Office (£45.99)
Ankle bracelets- H&M (£4.99 I think)
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Real life meets Online life
To me my blog was only read by strangers until a couple of days a friend told me they had read my blog, I was terrified and went back and deleted about 6 posts from the last 2 years because online you can be whoever you want and not worry about what people might think whereas in real life you have to deal with people face to face instead of keyboard to keyboard.
In my opinion my online self is confident and outgoing which is so far from my real life self, blogging is a way to get my feelings and opinions out without people I actually know finding out what I really think. My blog is a place I feel I can ramble on about whatever I want and not too many people will read it.
But, I suppose people I know will find my blog eventually whether its the next couple of months or in years to come because a secret always manages to get out no matter how careful and private you are.
I'll just have to wait with baited breath until that day but for now I will carry on as though nothing has happened.
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
In my opinion my online self is confident and outgoing which is so far from my real life self, blogging is a way to get my feelings and opinions out without people I actually know finding out what I really think. My blog is a place I feel I can ramble on about whatever I want and not too many people will read it.
But, I suppose people I know will find my blog eventually whether its the next couple of months or in years to come because a secret always manages to get out no matter how careful and private you are.
I'll just have to wait with baited breath until that day but for now I will carry on as though nothing has happened.
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Monday, 19 May 2014
My 18th Birthday!
First of I never thought I would actually make it to 18 but here I'm 18 today and going strong (kind of), but I wasn't excited about being 18 at all as I knew on the actual day I would probably be sat at home alone.. which is what I'am doing right now and how the rest of my day will go.
Everyone seems to go mental with planning their 18th birthday by either going clubbing, having a party or going on holiday and I had actually planned to go to France with my ex boyfriend but by me calling him my ex gives a massive clue as to why that didn't happen.
I can't feel too sorry for myself as at the weekend I went to Oxford street with my sister and on Friday I will be going to Nandos with my friends from college because that is our birthday tradition.
I understand why 18 is such a big birthday as you become an adult, you can vote, get a tattoo, drink alcohol, get a loan but some of that isn't really that great.
Anyway, I hope you all have/had an amazing 18th birthday doing what YOU wanted and not what people expect you to do.
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Everyone seems to go mental with planning their 18th birthday by either going clubbing, having a party or going on holiday and I had actually planned to go to France with my ex boyfriend but by me calling him my ex gives a massive clue as to why that didn't happen.
I can't feel too sorry for myself as at the weekend I went to Oxford street with my sister and on Friday I will be going to Nandos with my friends from college because that is our birthday tradition.
I understand why 18 is such a big birthday as you become an adult, you can vote, get a tattoo, drink alcohol, get a loan but some of that isn't really that great.
Anyway, I hope you all have/had an amazing 18th birthday doing what YOU wanted and not what people expect you to do.
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Style inspo- Cara Delevingne
I often find myself looking through Cara Delevingne's instagram and tumblr in awe of her amazing fashion sense and fast paced glamorous lifestyle its something me and many others can dream of..
Cara Delevingne is a beautiful model, singer and actress with a second name that most people can't pronounce but she has the most amazing style and fashion sense outside of the fashion shows and runways.
Her dirty beachy blonde hair gives her an edgy laid back beach bum look which many people crave.
Cara's eyebrows are talked about a lot which is understandable as they are so perfectly thick and shaped they suit her heart shaped face perfectly, So it may be time to ditch the wax and tweezers and let nature take over your brows.
Her clothes seem to be mainly rocky-biker-relaxed-surfer girl inspired with leather jackets, ankle boots, denim shorts, baggy T-shirts, beanie hats and skinny jeans as her go to items of choice.
Of course not all of us can afford the designer price tag but many high street stores have very similar items making it easier for us to steal her amazing style.
Disclaimer- I own none of the pictures, all rights go to the lawful owners
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Cara Delevingne is a beautiful model, singer and actress with a second name that most people can't pronounce but she has the most amazing style and fashion sense outside of the fashion shows and runways.
Her dirty beachy blonde hair gives her an edgy laid back beach bum look which many people crave.
Cara's eyebrows are talked about a lot which is understandable as they are so perfectly thick and shaped they suit her heart shaped face perfectly, So it may be time to ditch the wax and tweezers and let nature take over your brows.
Her clothes seem to be mainly rocky-biker-relaxed-surfer girl inspired with leather jackets, ankle boots, denim shorts, baggy T-shirts, beanie hats and skinny jeans as her go to items of choice.
Of course not all of us can afford the designer price tag but many high street stores have very similar items making it easier for us to steal her amazing style.
![]() |
Cara modelling for Victoria Secrets |
Disclaimer- I own none of the pictures, all rights go to the lawful owners
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
Saturday, 10 May 2014
A slightly late April favourites
Yes I'am slightly late with my April favourites but I thought I would do it anyway as I'am trying to avoid doing my college work and tidying my room..
I've been loving turquoisey bluey greeny colours in April as its a summery tropical colour and summer is slowly but surely on its way!
Converese All Star double tongue (the laces are from eBay) - JD Sports £45ish |
Brown satchel - Primark £12 |
Palm leave skater dress - H&m £7.99!! |
Volume supersizing spray by Loreal Paris studio line - Boots £4ish 22 Turquoise block by Bourjois Paris - Superdrug £8ish 2000 Calorie mascara by Maxfactor - Superdrug £10ish |
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram -@josieeberryyy
Sunday, 6 April 2014
My Music Top 10!
Heres 10 songs I've been listening to a lot recently,
- Take A Walk - Passion Pit
- My Love - Route 94 ft. Jess Glynne
- Ride- Lana Del Ray
- Hollywood - Marina And The Diamonds
- Changes- Faul ft. Wad Ad
- Home - Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros
- Shake I Out - Florence And The Machine
- Let Go For Tonight - Foxes
- Tongue Tied - Grouplove
- Reverse Skydiving - Hot Natured
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram -@josieeberryyy
Saturday, 4 January 2014
2014 Bucket list!
2014 is here and a new year means a new start, So I thought I would make a bucket list for the coming year.
- To be more confident!
- To look after my hair and skin better!
- To travel and explore London on my own more!
- To make more friends!
- To post on my blog more!
- To celebrate my 18th birthday in a BIG way!
- To become happier!
- To love my face and body more!
- To eat more healthier!
- Spend more time with my friends!
Hope you all have a terrific 2014!
Twitter- @josieeberryy
Instagram- @josieeberryyy
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